by Jeannie
Question:I'm 39 weeks and having regular unproductive contractions. My midwife said my son is bouncing in and out of my pelvis. She said to sit on my exercise ball and do squats to help him wedge in my pelvis. Now he seems higher than before, what can I do to help him engage? I was wondering if "pushing" helps.
Answer:Your midwife gave you excellent advice! The very best thing you can do to help baby engage is squat often. Pushing won't do yu any good to help him move. Sometimes babies don't engage fully until labor starts, so try not to worry too much.
The best thing is to trust your body, your baby, and the process.
If you'd like to learn more about positioning and how to help ensure your baby is in the most favorable position for labor, my favorite resource
Good Luck!!
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