Inducing Labour Not rated yet
Quesion: Hi,I am 37 weeks pregnant and feeling contractions in my lower abdomen. I don't feel like I am actually having labour pain as its not very rhythmic …
The Hospital Sent Me Home Not rated yet
Question: I'm 38 weeks pregnant. At my appointment 3 days ago, I was 4 cm dilated and about 50% effaced. I thought I was in labor yesterday and went …
Am I In Labor? Not rated yet
Question: I have been given two different due dates from ultrasounds. I think I'm about 35 weeks along right now, but I feel like I'm having serious …
Can I Travel Late in Pregnancy? Not rated yet
Question: I'm 33 weeks pregnant and about 2 cm dilated. Is it okay to travel?
Answer: I can't offer you medical advice, but if it were me, I would …
How Can I Make Baby Come Faster? Not rated yet
Question: When my due date comes and still no baby, what can I do or use to make my labor faster?
Answer: Try to remember, first of all, that due …
Cervix Isn't Closed After Birth Not rated yet
Question: My daughter had her baby 7 months ago and has just been told her cervix has not closed. What implications does this have for her?
Answer: …
Meconium Not rated yet
Question: My grand daughter was taken to the hospital early this morning because her water broke. I heard from a freind who was there that the baby had …
Am I in labor? What do I do? Not rated yet
Question: I am 39 weeks pregnant with my first child. I am due in 1 week. I am 2 cm and 50% effaced and am getting many contractions. What do I do? My …
I lost my mucus plug- how much longer? Not rated yet
Question: I was 2cm dilated about 36 hrs ago,I am only having mild contractions but I noticed that I have lost my mucus plug. How long does it normally …
Mucus Plug and Effacement Not rated yet
Question: I am 36 weeks, 2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. I know what all that means but what I want to know is, does being effaced that much mean …
37 week discharge Not rated yet
Question: As the cervix dilates does it keep producing mucus like discharge?
Answer: Yes, as the cervix dilates, it continues to produce mucus just …
Essential Oils and Carrier Oils Not rated yet
Question: Firstly let me comment on what a wonderfully helpful and interesting site this is, congratulations!!
I have read about essential oils that …
How to Tell if You're Dilating Not rated yet
Question: Is there any way to tell if you are dilating?
Answer: The only way to know for sure how dilated you are is through a vaginal exam.
If …